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Call for Projects

The following call for projects are offered and granted upon approval by our Principal Committee (PC), and are subject to the policies stated at our Administrative Information and Policies Document (AIPD).

(OPEN) Call for internal projects (Phoenix projects)

The call for internal/Phoenix projects is always open. They are evaluated and granted by the PC upon express request by the applicant. The application procedure is as follows:

  1. The applicant (being officially a SDASer) submits the project proposal (following SDAS-Group-recommended template) together with CVs of the project leaders and co-investigators to the official contact email.
  2. Either in an ordinary or extraordinary meeting, the PC will evaluate the proposal.
  3. If accepted, a certificate of aproval is provided by the PC committee.
  4. Project members should sign a Project Kickoff Meeting Minutes and submit it to the official contact email.