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Mateo Vergara Hidalgo

Project Controls Manager

Email: consultoriaelectrica@mateovergara.com | website: http://mateovergara.com/

He is an Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has a enough background in software development, Framework Web Design (Django, Python, HTML and CSS). Also, he is an Electrical Engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, who has worked in Project Management, Electrical Design and Commissioning, at oil gas, and food companies. On one hand, His experience in the Oil and Gas sector was developed in TIPIEL SA. On the other hand, his experience in the Public Sector was developed at Ingeserpet LTDA. He has a wide knowledge on standars (NEC, RETIE, Codensa, Ipse and IEEE). He has worked at Nestlé Purina in the Department of Projects as a Project Management Engineer. He has developed expansion and sustanaibility projects. As well, he has expertise on Photovolatics Systems.

Research Interests

Grounding Systems, Protection of Structures against lightning, Renewable Energies.

Publications (may take some time to be displayed)

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  2011 (1)
Analysis of the effects of linear and non-linear distortions on QPSK modulated signals for optical channels. Johana Salazar, Mateo Vergara, Oscar Diaz, Diego Peluffo, N., G. ITECKNE, X: 6. 2011.
Analysis of the effects of linear and non-linear distortions on QPSK modulated signals for optical channels [pdf]Paper   Analysis of the effects of linear and non-linear distortions on QPSK modulated signals for optical channels [pdf]Website   link   bibtex   abstract