Email: mohammed.bajja@sdas-group.com | website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammedbajja/
I was born on 12 September 1998 in Kelaa des Sraghnas, Morocco. After obtaining my Baccalaureate in Mathematical Sciences in Mathematical Sciences, I moved to Marrakech, Morocco, where I obtained my Bsc degree in Applied Mathematics at the Facult ́e des Sciences Semlalia - Marrakech (FSSM), Université Cadi Ayyad (UCA), On 20 October 2020, I completed my BSc degree in Applied Mathematics, with a major in ”Introduction to Partial Differential Equations”. During this program, I immersed myself in the study of first-degree linear PDEs and familiarized myself with the concept of the characteristic curve of a PDEs. I then went on to do an Msc in Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Technology in Marrakech (FSTM), Universit ́e Cadi Ayyad (UCA), specializing in Geometry, Analysis and in geometry, analysis and applications. Throughout my academic journey, I have attended several courses on differential courses in differential geometry, which have provided me with a solid understanding of differential topology, Riemannian geometry and Lie algebra. I have also gained considerable insight into geometric modelling and information geometry. My passion for mathematics extends beyond pure theory, as I am very interested in the mathematical theory behind machine learning approaches, in particular kernel spectral clustering. At the moment, I am a volunteer researcher working on theoretical developments for interpreting kernel spectral clustering from alternative viewpoints.
Research Interests
Machine learning, data analytics, kernel methods, clustering.