Research Assistant - Level III
Email: mouad.elhamdi@sdas-group.com
He was born in Casablanca, Morocco in July 1996. He received his Bsc degree in Applied mathematics in Faculté des Sciences Semlalia Marrakech (FSSM), Université Cadi Ayyad (UCA). And in July, He received his Msc degree in Mathematical Sciences and Applications with major in mathematical modeling of random phenomena in the same University. He is currently a first year Ph.D. Student with the MSDA Research Program at Mohammed VI Polytechnic university (UM6P) Benguerir, Morocco. His Ph.D. thesis topic is “A Generalized View On Divergence-based Formulations For Dimensionality Reduction”, which is a part of the research project on “Generic Kernel-based Formulation For Exploratory Data Analysis”.
Research Interests
Statistics, Probability and Machine Learning