Research Assistant - Level III
He was born in Attaouia, Morocco in june 1998. He received my Bsc degree in Applied mathematics in the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia in Marrakech (FSSM), Cadi Ayyad University (UCA). He received his Msc degree in Mathematical Sciences and Applications with major in mathematical modeling of random phenomena in the same university. I undertook an internship at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), as part of Modeling, Simulation and Data analysis (MSDA) laboratory where he tackled the problem of Kernel Expectile Regression, and explored the Neural network techniques. Currently, he is a Volunteer Researcher with the Smart Data Analysis Systems (SDAS Group). At the beginning of his research career, he is greatly interested in the fields of Statistics, Probability and Machine Learning. In particular, the theoretical aspect of machine learning as this field caught his full interest.
Research Interests
Applied mathematics, machine learning and data analytics