Research Assistant - Level III
Email: yahya.aalaila@sdas-group.com | website: https://sites.google.com/sdas-group.com/yahya-aalaila/
He was born in Safi, Morocco. He obtained his Msc degree in Applied Mathematics with a major in Mathematical Modeling of Random Phenomena at FSSM, Marrakesh, Morocco. During his last semester, he underwent an internship at the Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis (MSDA) Research program, University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P). During this six months experience he explored Kernel-based approaches for Clustering, dimensional analysis and classification, under the supervision of Professor Diego Hernán Peluffo-Ordóñez. Currently, he is a second year PhD student at MSDA-UM6P, under the supervision of Professor Diego Hernán Peluffo-Ordóñez.. Also, he is a research assistant at Smart Data Analysis Systems (SDAS) Research Group. His research interest lies in theoretical and applied Machine Learning. Particularly, Kernel based formulations that aim to unify spectral-based Dimensionality Reduction (SDR) techniques, as well as Spectral Clustering techniques. In addition, to explore -in detail- suitability of similarity measures and their correlation with various EDA tasks.
Research Interests
Machine learning, theoretical development and mid-level programming implementations for kernel-based machine learning approaches, exploring multi-labeler extensions for kernel-based support vector machines using least-squared technique, as well as spectral dimensionality reduction methods based on generalized kernels.